Resources For
The Minimalist Cave Cartographer Course
Final Adobe Illustrator File for Long Cold Cave
As promised you can access a copy of the Long Cold cave map Adobe Illustrator file here.
Long Cold Cave Map AI FileCave Symbols and Brushes
You can build your own symbol and brush libraries or you can use mine here.
Download Master LibraryDerek Bristol's Cave Survey Videos
Derek uses a bunch of survey tools I don’t use and has a different approach to some things than I do. I would highly recommend checking out his videos here:
Derek Bristol Cave Survey PlaylistBest Cave Protractor
Here is a link to the protractor I used in the sketching lesson. The vendor sells both a standard unit version and a metric unit version:
Cave Compass ProtractorCave Survey Bag
If you need a bag to carry your survey gear and sketchbook here is one I highly recommend:
Gonzo Guano Gear Survey PackKey Elements of a Good Cave Map
I put this together years ago based on NSS Cartography Salon Standards. It’s basically a list of things that should be included on a good general purpose cave map.
Cave Map Visual Hierarchy GuideRite in the Rain Survey Paper
There are a couple of options for getting survey paper. You can buy pre-printed paper from Innermountain Outfitters or OnRope1 at the buttons below or you can buy blank paper directly from Rite-in-the-Rain and design and print your own. Derek Bristol has some great printable templates and resources at his website.
Derek Bristol WebsiteOrder blank pages directly from Rite-in-the-Rain here:
Rite-In-The-Rain WebsiteNSS Cartography Judging Sheet
This is the sheet that was used years ago to judge the cartography salon. I wouldn’t imagine it’s changed a lot, but either way it is a good resource for what are some of the key elements they might be looking for on a cave map.
NSS Cartography Salon Judges SheetLibrary of Standard Cave Symbols
Both the National Speleological Society and the International Union of Speleology have a set of standard symbols that can serve as a great starting off point for developing your own symbol library.
NSS Standard Cave Symbols UIS Standard Cave Symbols